Saturday, June 25, 2005

But am I?

Sure You'll Be Fine

Babygirl I hate to tell you that I think you done did it
Which means that maybe now you should cut and run with it
Ever since you gave me those digits
You've been steady trippin
And in the breif times you're not,
There's still something missing.
In the time that you pray
I think you coming up with ways
To degrade and abrade every nerve I ever saved
But this shit is fugaze
And since I'm not gettin paid
Its time for this relationship to whither and fade -
To Black.
Our love shack
Has fallen into disrepair
And the best we can say is
'I don't care'
And I don't dare
To claim that I'll mark this sand with lines
But right now I know I don't have the time
And I don't have the lime
For those stupid margiritas you love so much
Beause the mole can't reach for the diamond it can't touch
We both know romance sucks
So there's no need to whine
I'll be cool
And I'm sure you'll be fine.

'She was simple as an animal with an animal's simple ignorance of right and wrong, dislike for being thwarted, and spitefulness when trapped.'
- Dashiell Hammet, 'The Dain Curse'

Well - if all's well that end's well, then this is good and fucked up...

Friday, June 24, 2005

Last Letters Home From Iraq by particularshard

Last Letters Home From Iraq by particularshard

Wow - Just read this poem again - still hurts - why did i read it with brandy so far away? These people need toasts raised to them...

Last Letters Home From Iraq
'Sure, I've dodged lots of bullets and such, gotten little to no sleep, and eaten nasty food, but im doing great.'
-Pfc. Rachel Bosveld, U.S. Army
(Killed 10/26/03 twelve days before 20th bday)

The flowers on the windowsill of Sweetpea's room have grown withered and husky;
Much like the voice of her mother,
Staring absently at the neatly made bed that her daughter once nestled in.
She always told me 'don't worry so much about me!'
Her company hadn't lost a single life in Iraq before her - how could we not?
They're sending home her Purple Heart -
A perverse birthday present.
At least she still smiles in the pictures...
God I pray she's still smiling.

'I see more courage in a day here than I could ever hae imagined before this...I am really nervous and just pray that i am up to the task out here to lead 120 men in combat operations...I pray with all my heart, that I will be able to take every single one of them home safe when we finish our mission here.'
-Cpt. Joshua T. Byers, U.S. Army
(Killed outside Baghdad by a 'road bomb')

He looked resplendant graduating from the Acadamy that day.
Really they all did, as though the bristling perfection of Westpoint had polished them to a high sheen.
He spent his whole life trying to find the best way to serve God,
And eventually he found that to be service to his country.
When he became Cavalry Troop Commander shortly before his death,
He thought of it only as his best oppurtunity to discharge service yet -
In fact he discharged the Ultimate Service,
And paid the Ultimate Sacrifice,
To protect the ones he loved.
Hopefully it will not be taken lightly

'In the beginning there was a lot of blood shed, but now it's all over...The good news is I will be home to see you in september or october the latest'
- Spc. Raheen Heighter, U.S. Army
(Killed when insurgents attacked his convoy)

A year has passed,
And Raheen has still not come home.
His mother sits in her livingroom,
Staring off at something nobody else can see.
She prepared her son for Iraq.
Raheen felt Iraq prepared him for life.
Nobody prepared her for this.

'People are always trying to give us say thank you for getting rid of Saddam. I know we cannot entirely change this hel hole, but maybe being here will make things a little better...I am proud to defend my country, but i don't want to be defending it constantly for the next 10 -15 years...I want to have something resemebling a home/personal life...'
-Cpt. Pierre Piche', U.S. Army
(Killed when his chopper collided with another over Mosul)

pierre was a maintenance officer.
pierre liked to drink straight maple syrup.
pierre thought he was safe in his desk job.
pierre liked being able to help people, but he didn't feel the need to be a hero, just a simple vermonter.
pierre had a beautiful wife named cherish, and they joked about him getting a purple heart for carpal tunnel syndrome.
pierre and cherish were only half-right.

'In the past week I have seen my first dead body...It's a very dangerous job, I never imagined they would be having us do this kind of work.'
- Spc. Michelle Witmer, U.S. Army
(Fatally wounded when her convoy was ambushed)

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition.
Horror in practice is always more horrible than horror in one's head.
Shelly just wanted to be a combat lifesaver.
She worked a police station in a bad part of Baghdad.
She and her twin sister Charity, as well as her sister Rachel enlisted and went to Iraq to help people.
They didn't know what a hard place it would be to be women...
They didn't know what a hard place it would be to stay alive.
The rest of the family sits sadly at their table in New Berlin Wisconsin.
The family, having shrunk to 6 people,
Somehow doesn't seem to be able to stretch quite all the way around the table.
Their haggard eyes look hollowly at half finished bottles of wine.
Eat, drink and what?
Well tomorrow we die anyway.

'I searched all my life for a dream and I found it in you...I am so sorry...You will never know how complete you have made me...Dakota you are more son than I could ever ask for...I will always be there in our park when you dream so we can still play...I hope someday you will understand why I didn't come home...I will always be there with you. Ill be in the sun, shadows, dreams, and joys of your life...Bean, I never got to see you but I know in my heart you are beautiful. I know you will be strong and big hearted just like your mom and brother...I have never been so blessed as I was the day I met [you] Angel, soulmate, wife, lover, and best friend. I am so sorry. I did not want to have to write this letter. There is so much more I need to say, so much more I need to share. A lifetimes worth. I married you for a million lifetimes. That's houw long I will be with you. Do me one favor. After you tuck Toad and Bean in, give them hugs and kisses from me. Go outside, look at the stars and count them. Don't forget to smile'
-Pfc. Jesse Givens, U.S. Army
(Killed when a berm collapsed under his tank as he crossed the Euphrates - where he drowned)

There is nothing more I can say.

Friday, June 17, 2005



You go out of your way to build bridges with people of different views and beliefs and have quite a few religious friends. You believe in the essential goodness of people , which means you’re always looking for common ground even if that entails compromises. You would defend Salman Rushdie’s right to criticise Islam but you’re sorry he attacked it so viciously, just as you feel uncomfortable with some of the more outspoken and unkind views of religion in the pages of this magazine.

You prefer the inclusive approach of writers like Zadie Smith or the radical Christian values of Edward Said. Don’t fall into the same trap as super–naïve Lib Dem MP Jenny Tonge who declared it was okay for clerics like Yusuf al–Qaradawi to justify their monstrous prejudices as a legitimate interpretation of the Koran: a perfect example of how the will to understand can mean the sacrifice of fundamental principles. Sometimes, you just have to hold out for what you know is right even if it hurts someone’s feelings.

What kind of humanist are you? Click here to find out.

Seems a tad biased in the advice section....

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Rap News Network - Hip-Hop Cultures Newest Threat

Rap News Network - Hip-Hop Cultures Newest Threat

This is bullshit - turning everybody into a criminal. Welcome to the police state people. The incentive for being a law abiding citizen is disappearing at a frightening clip. I'm trying to go to school, to become a lawyer and a doctor and a bioethicist, but its almost like they want me to wild out. Like they want me to snap and start stirring up trouble. Like they tryin to pull my trigger....

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Web Sites Celebrate a Deadly Thinness - New York Times

Web Sites Celebrate a Deadly Thinness - New York Times

Quod me nutrit, me destruit

So These ppl are sayin that eating disorders are a lifestyle choice. I can agree in so far as they are a lifestyle, but not necessarily a choice. After all, I live crazy-fab; how am I gonna hate. Difference is, i've reached a stable place in my insanity. All I know of eating disorders suggests an utter lack of control. On the other hand, i'm hesitant to say its just an extreme denial - ykno to the point of defiance. Ah well, I think the thing to do is to keep an eye out - seems like an interesting movement. Assuming that all its activists don't die of nutriional deficiencies. Also assuming they don't want me 2 look like that. pfffft.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Soggy Breakfast Cereal

The thing that most makes me sad is seeing goodness in Man,
Because seeing that some are good means that others can't understand
Which means that I can't demand, everybody
Be peaceful
Since we aren't all equal,
We're all different people -
Which makes me burn like kerosene sprinkled over hot diesel
Mixed with composition four
Because I always wish that more could reach the shores of paradise
Could somehow be innocent twice
But the poor souls are scared of light,
And the sun shines Oh so bright
But its like a personal slight
Because instead they stay in the ocean
Perturbing my purgatorial motion
And i'm the Orca of the Souls -
Miss a meal?
Perish the notion
I cherish emotion
I've ardent desire to crush the weak
It's sink or swim,
And God only breathes life into the meek
So I walk among the sheep
A wolf in nondescript clothing,
I will catch you in the rye
Like Caulfield-comma-Holden
And leave you Mafia-style
Intact with everything you're holding
Because I'd rather justly take a life than be the creep who rolled him.
This is not material,
I struggle to touch the ethereal
A miracle in a world filled with flakes soft like soggy breakfast cereal.

I miss the 90's - I'm watchin Mallrats and I'm missin the 90's - God the more adult i get the more responsibility I take on - I miss the fuckin 90's.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Drew Curtis'

Drew Curtis'


My favorite website, and even better, my launchcast station!!