Sunday, February 27, 2005

My Philosophy pt. i-------------------------------------------

Once I dreamed that I was a taoist monk
experiencing the beauty of the Way.
In all ways a taoist monk.
I enjoyed nonaction as a taoist monk,
not knowing I was Mu.
Suddenly I awoke and was surprised`to be myself again.
>Now how can I tell whether I was an Immortal
> who dreamed she was a taoist monk,
>Or whether I am a taoist monk
> who dreams she is an Immortal?
>Between Hsi Wang Mu and the taoist monk
> there must be differentiation.
>Yet in the dream nondifferentiation takes place.
>>This is called interfusion of things.

In fact, the things don't fuse, and there need be no differentation. While that works well in our heads, its not necessary in reality. Emanation - look it up. and then think about the human body. Each and every 'thing' in existence is just a cell of that body that is the Tao - that and the space around the body and the room that its all in and- ad infinitum, you know what i mean. You can only talk about stuff like this correctly if you use relativism. Anyhow, the separation is only in our heads, and in fact in the 'heads' of most other things. All our human cells simultaneously know they are independant entities with their own responsibilities and also part of a superorganism. they see no contradiction here. Human cells that are unaware they are human are called 'cancer.' Our goal is to recognize our true existence. If you think about it, all religions say this: you are flawed, you must improve for some reason - sound familiar? Perhaps all the myriad reasons are simiply euphemisms for 'don't be a tumor?'


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